Nairobi News


Sauti Sol dissected

April 5th, 2016 1 min read


Name: Sauti Sol

Age: 10

Known For: Good music, winning awards, that infectious lipala dance, being pro-feminism in their songs, being anti-feminism in their songs, attracting corporates, chasing corporates away.

Appearance: 15 minutes late to the stage.



Total Sauti Sol Discography Play time: 2hrs 21 min 09 sec

Average length of Sauti Sol song: 4:24

Instagram followers: 429K

Twitter Followers: 214K

YouTube: 60K

Ask: What does Sol even mean, isn’t that the name of the Peruvian currency?

Don’t ask: After Nishike, asking a lover to get close, you sung Nerea, asking a woman not to abort – things move pretty fast with you guys and the ladies don’t they?

5.31 Million

number of views the notorious Nishike video has on YouTube


Nishike was the most watched Kenyan video in 2014. It also lost them their corporate backers

Quotable quote

“Kenyans largely suffer from Poppy Syndrome, a social phenomenon in which people of genuine merit are resented, attacked, cut down or criticised because their talents or achievements elevate them above or distinguish them from their peers.