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Prayers for Umoinner fleet abort

A prayer service for the Umoinner matatu Sacco was postponed for the second time on Sunday after area MP George Theuri failed to show up.

The prayer service was to be held in Umoja estate at an open space near Visa Place and usually used by Umoinner Sacco matatus as a parking terminal.

The service is part of Umoinner’s effort to mend its tarnished image after one of its matatus was involved in an accident with a commuter train at the Mutindwa rail crossing that killed 12 people.

Explaining the postponement of the service, one sacco official said that the area MP got engaged elsewhere.

“The area MP was supposed to attend but he has said he will not be available, probably we will hold the service next Sunday,” said the Sacco treasurer John Wanyeri.

The prayers were also meant to boost public confidence in the vehicles.