Nairobi News

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Parking gangs: Nairobi motorists’ worst nightmare

Residents of Nairobi are lamenting the parking gangs that have made the city insecure and expensive for motorists.

Using a trending hashtag #Nairobiparkinggangs, users on Twitter narrated their ordeals as others made suggestions on how to end the menace.

The hashtag had a lot of tweets from bloggers Robert Alai and Cyprian Nyakundi who were the first users to tweet about it.

Nairobi Deputy Governor Jonathan Mueke used the opportunity to defend the county government as well as advertise the ejiji pay service, claiming it was developed to put an end to gangs.

Some users decried lack of security in cases where a motorist does not cooperate with the gangs.

Other users accused county askaris of misconduct while others blamed cartels for the extra money they have to pay for parking.