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With packed night clubs and full hotels, Kisii reaps big from county games

Traders in Kisii Town are reaping big from the ongoing inter county games dubbed Kenya Inter Counties Sports and Cultural Association (KICOSCA).

Businessmen who spoke to the Nairobi News could not hide their joy as they asked the county to host more events in future.

Mary Ratemo who sells bananas said that her hustle was fruitful.

She said that she has been walking from Daraja Moja to the stadium and has to head back home to get more fruits.

“Business is doing well and I really request our leaders to ensure we get similar functions here in Kisii,” she said.

Another boiled eggs vendor James Rosana said that he has been selling over 800 eggs a day.

He said that he has been forced to employ a help to boil the eggs and transports them to his base right outside the Kisii Stadium.


During the interview, Mr Rosana was multitasking between selling the eggs and replying to our questions.

“Since I started this business I have never witnessed such a period. People can’t just get enough of the eggs,” he said.

A spot check by the Nairobi News during lunch hour revealed that hotels were packed to capacity.

By 12:30pm, many joints were full to capacity with some customers waiting outside for their turn.
All hotel rooms within the town are also booked to capacity.

A spot check on Wednesday night also revealed business was booming in night clubs.

At the Bellavista Lounge, the club was packed to capacity and the management was forced to place extra seats on its corridors.

A similar picture was witnessed at Havana and Focus clubs also within the town.

Motorists also praised the Kisii county traffic police department for what they termed as a job well done.


“The usual traffic snarl ups that have been the norm here are no more despite the huge number of vehicles currently in the town. This is great for us,” said Fred Mato, who works for Nyamira County.

On matters security, police have been keeping a 24 hour surveillance to ensure that the games end well.

Last week Kisii County Commissioner Godfrey Kigochi assured participants and locals that security will be beefed up.

Close to 20,000 visitors have descended on the town from Sunday, according to Kisii County Executive for sports Duke Mainga.

“The visitors have been so good to us and we even wish if it was possible we prolong their stay,” he said.

He said that their presence in the town had seen a booming business sector.