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Weatherman warns Nairobians on jikos as temperatures drop

By KNA July 13th, 2018 1 min read

Nairobi County is expected to experience morning rains and drizzle from on Friday.

On Saturday, it might get warmer especially in the afternoon but from Sunday, July 15 to , Tuesday July 17 day time, temperatures are likely to drop and morning rains might occur over few places.

Giving the Weekly weather update for Nairobi County, Mary N. Kilavi, County Director Meteorological Service, said people should avoid lighting jikos in poorly ventilated houses.

Poor visibility, she added, resulting from foggy conditions, is likely to a pose danger to motorists and pedestrians and thus warned citizens to take utmost care to minimize accidents that may result from such weather conditions.


“Cases of respiratory diseases like asthma, pneumonia and common colds (flu) are expected to be on the upsurge and the general public  especially the young and elderly members of society  are advised to keep warm by adopting a warm dress code in order to avoid contracting such diseases”, Kilavi said.

The director noted that during the review for the period July 3 to 9, the county experienced mainly cool and cloudy conditions with light rains over few several places during the first few days of the review period.

However, Kilavi said that from Friday, July 6 to Sunday July 8 it was much warmer especially in the afternoons.


“Thursday 5th was the coldest day when temperatures dropped to 18.5°c and 15.4°c at JKIA and Ngong respectively,” she added.

Night time temperatures were lowest less than 10°c on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th while yesterday a few places experienced rains in the evening, Kilavi said. The month of July is normally cold.