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Guys, eight simple tips to get her in the mood this weekend

One thing that a lot of men miss is the fact that your responsibility in a sexual relationship goes far beyond reaching your satisfaction.

You are responsible also for the satisfaction of your significant other. Here are tips on how you can start to get her in the mood this weekend;

1. Groom well – Good and frequent grooming isn’t just a ladies thing. If you go out of your way to be clean, to wear clean fitting clothes and especially to smell nice, your woman will notice. If she knows that you did it for her especially, then it is a turn on.

2. Seduce her – Yes, seduction is not just a woman’s game. Seduce your woman this weekend. Cook for her and then set the dinner under candle light. Pour her some wine. Spice up the conversation.

3. Get sentimental – A lot of men are misled to think that manhood is about not showing your feelings. The truth however is that sharing your feelings might be the best thing you ever did for your relationship. Open up to your woman, get emotional with her and then sit back and watch the magic happen.

4. Do the dishes – There is nothing inherently sexual about a man doing the dishes. There is however something very sexy about a man who is in service to his woman. Reverse the roles every so often. Let her sit with her feet up and clean up after her.

5. Shower together – Sometimes, nothing can kick-start some intimacy as good as a shower together with your woman.

6. Tease her out in public – Try bringing out that cave man in you this weekend. Tease your woman, reach for her under the table, do things that you normally wouldn’t do in public and then sit back and watch nature reward you for it.

7. Your choice of words – How you talk to your woman is enough to get her in the mood. The trick is to make her feel as relaxed with you as is possible. This calls for some humor. Be funny and speak sexy to her.

8. Dessert in bed – Sometimes, food in the bedroom can be a turn on. Don’t eat the whole course. Opt instead to have fruit or ice cream in bed. Better still, at it off each other’s bodies.