Nairobi News


Four year old locked up in house with dead baby brother

A mother who arrived home to find her baby dead and the house help missing, wants answers to one disturbing question: Exactly what happened to her beloved baby son?

Lilian Owino from Umoja Estate is distraught that she still does not know the truth about her baby’s death.

Little Leone Owino, just 18 months old,  was left under the care of house help Everlyne Nyongesa, 30, as his mother and father went to work last month.

Said Lilian, 29: “I want to hear her side of the story. It does not matter that she may lie, I just want to know what happened to my baby. I can choose to believe her or not.”

 Kitchen door

When Lilian and her husband arrived home at around 7pm, the lights were off in the main house, “We called out and our four-year-old son came through our kitchen door, alone,” Lilian said.

Her husband climbed to the balcony and found that the house help had thrown the house keys onto the balcony as she left at around 3pm.

All that time, their other son, Christopher Odera, was locked in the house with his dead baby brother.

“My husband examined Odera and he was fine — only to realise Leone was no more  and the body was cold and stiff. He was dead in his  living room cot and there was no one to tell us what had happened,” said Lilian.

When they took the body to the hospital, the doctor told them that the baby had been dead for more than two hours. An autopsy report the following day revealed he had died of suffocation.

Lilian had talked to the woman twice that day, first at around 10am to ask how the baby was and then at around 12.30pm when the girl asked whether to give Leone more milk.

Said Lilian:  “I suspect that the time she noticed something bad had happened and just wanted to know the time I would be back so she could escape.”