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Conservationist asks Uhuru to save National Park from SGR

January 13th, 2016 1 min read


A renowned conservationist has asked President Uhuru Kenyatta to stop the construction of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) through Nairobi National Park.

In a paid advertisement that appeared in the Daily Nation on Wednesday, the conservationist, Dr Daphne Sheldrick, noted that if the construction goes ahead, it will spells the end of the priceless city asset and that with time, national parks will play a bigger role than anticipated in the health and well-being of the human population.

She asked the President to reconsider and dismiss any suggestion that will destroy the precious asset before it is too late, particularly as there are viable alternatives to this proposed route through the park.


“The world, Kenya and future generations will be forever grateful to you, Mr President, for averting the destruction of this irreplaceable critical national asset which makes Nairobi especially unique.”

She went ahead to compare Nairobi to Beijing which is infamous for pollution.

“I feel sure that the government does not want Nairobi to be like Beijing, covered in such a dense blanket of pollution that the populace has to wear face masks in order to go about their daily business able only to see a few yards ahead due to the smog,” Dr Sheldrick said.