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Drama as suspected car thieves go bonkers after being ‘bewitched’ – PHOTOS & VIDEO

By DAVID KWALIMWA September 6th, 2017 1 min read

Mombasa residents woke up to a bizarre incident on Wednesday morning after two men stripped naked while singing, dancing and talking in ‘tongues’ next to a vehicle.

It is believed these two adults were bewitched by the owner of this car, a silver Nissan, registration number KBV 717Y, after they stole it a while back.


The early morning incident at Bamburu Mtambo surburb a few metres from the Nakumatt Supermarket attracted thousands of curious onlookers who milled around the scene to witness the two men who kept laughing and taking in a language only they could understand.

One of the men had a snake dangling around his neck.

At some point, eye witnesses tell Nairobi News, the two started ‘washing’ the car with mud. Not done, one of them is said to have urinated and gone ahead to drink his urine.


“This is just so embarrassing. These people have been here for sometime. I have seen them and can confirm they have lost their faculties,” an eyewitness told Nairobi News.

The two were later rescued by police, while the snake was taken away by officers attached to the Kenya Wildlife Service.

Witchcraft related tales are rife at the Coast where several people, including wealthy businessmen and politicians, are said to seek the “help” and “advice” of witch doctors to satisfy their earthly needs.