Nairobi News


MOTHERHOOD: Letter to my daughter

By NAIROBI WIFE February 7th, 2018 3 min read

My beautiful girl,

Where do I start? I have so many things to tell you. I think I should tell you first that you have made your dad and me so happy. Truly, words cannot express how I feel about you.

I’m still in awe of you. I can hardly believe that you are in our lives. Even when you are cranky and greedy for attention, you still light up my world. I’m sure your father feels the same way; you are the apple of his eye.

I am also terrified of and about you. What if I mess this up? What if I don’t raise you right? What if you get hurt? How do I protect you from the evil that is this world? Every minute that I am not with you frightens me to the very core of my being, as I do not know how you are. I have to take the word of others that you are well and that I should relax.

Will this feeling of anxiety ever go away? I do not know. I do know that I will have to learn to let you go, let you make your own decisions, go out into the world, but it is a scary thought and a day I dread.

I have such high hopes for you while at the same time I want you to be who and what you are. I would love for you to be a great success in the world, without dictating what it is you should be successful in. I want to give you all the opportunities that this world has to offer but I also want to know what you’re interested in. I will work hard to make sure that you never lack the resources to make all your dreams come true.

I call you my beautiful girl because that is what you are. You are perfect in every way (even if you do look like your father and not me). Do not let anyone tell you any different and if they do, then realise that they are blind.


They only want to put you down. Pay them no heed; walk with your head held high. But also keep in mind that many will tell you how beautiful you are so that they can manipulate you. Do not listen to these ones as well; they do not want good things for you.

My darling daughter, you are the product of a great love. I wish you great love in your life too. Not only romantic love, which should come when you are grown and ready to handle the challenges that come with having your own family, but also great friendships.

When you were born, that was when I knew who my true friends were. I hope that you make lifelong friendships with people who will build you up and want nothing but the best for you.

My first born, I will try to remember that you are my child and not my helper, my second in command. I will try not to give you too much pressure, to let you be a child until you no longer are.

Being a firstborn myself, I know that parents tend to leave a lot of the parenting to their eldest children. You will not be a parent to your future siblings. However, I will not guarantee that I will not experiment a lot with you. For this, I am sorry in advance.

There are so many other things I would love to tell you in this letter, but I would rather tell them to you in person. For now, the most important thing you should know is that I love you.